Friday, September 11, 2009

We are back!

Wow, it is amazing how fast 4 months go by!!! I apologize for being non existent these past few months, but we are back and ready to keep you all updated on our family once again!

Here are a few of the major things that have happened the past 4 months:
  • WE ARE PREGNANT!!!! (this has been the major reason that I have not updated the blog in a while) I am 5 months pregnant with another little boy! Our due date is January 13th. I was sick again, but not as serious this time - at least no hospital stay!! I can't thank everyone enough for the prayers, meals and help that you all gave. Thanks so much!
  • Zack is growing up so fast! He now is now 16 months old, has 16 teeth, RUNS everywhere, says a bunch of random words (circle, shoes, Amen, outside, uh-oh, square, etc.), loves shoes, loves to be outside, and just loves life! He is such a joy and we are so much in love with this little guy!
  • We had a very sad loss in our family, the passing of my Grandma Eunice last month. We are thrilled that she is in heaven and no longer suffering, but we are still grieving here on earth. I am so happy that Zack and I were able to get to Florida last December so she was able to meet Zack. We miss you and love you Grandma. See you soon!
  • I have started watching a little girl McKenzie. Her parents Chris and Cassie are good friends from church, and it is fun to have a newborn around the house again. Whenever we go out in public, which has been like twice, I get very strange looks. I am five months pregnant, have a 13 week old and a one year old (which is not humanly possible by the way!!). McKenzie is good practice for all of us, but especially Zack. He is going to be a great big brother!
  • Kris is doing great and staying very busy with work. He is very excited to have another son and is making plans about what he and his two sons will do together one day!!
There have been many, many other things, but I won't bore you for now. Enjoy these few pictures of Zack - I will have many more to come soon!


Camille, Blake, Pierce and baby Asher said...

oh he is getting so big... and yes we have missed you... congrats on everything sorry to hear about GM E...we love and miss you guys.