Friday, February 25, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day!

The week of LOVE at our house was busy as usual, and of course full of fun (and educational) activities! First and foremost we talked everyday about God's love for us and Zack memorized the verse, "We love because God first loved us" 1 John 4:3. It is really amazing to me how easily he memorizes those verses (he also knows John 3:16) and Kris and I can only pray that these words will be hidden deep in his heart for life!
We also practiced sorting by color and counting, as you will see in the next few pictures. Nothing says fun like conversation heart candies!!

And on that special day... A special lunch for my boys!

And these were the valentines that the boys handed out to their friends at Small Group that night. I made the hershey kisses out of rice krispie treats. Very easy and turned out super cute!
Happy Valentines Day - and aren't we glad that we don't only love on one day of the year, but we can love every single day because God first loved us!