Thursday, July 24, 2008

Happy 3 months!

Amazingly, it is time again for the monthly cupcake pictures! That means that our little man is 3 months old today! He has really grown up so much in this last month. He is following us and other objects with his eyes. He is also smiling and laughing as well as grabbing things and bringing them to his mouth. He is also sitting up with assistance. He is only waking up once during the night, and hopefully will sleep through the night soon. We are so proud of him and love this little guy so much! Enjoy his three month pictures.

Well, Zack decided this time that he wanted to grab the cupcake (I told you that he was grabbing things now). He definitely got a handful of frosting, but we caught him before it went to his mouth. You can't tell from the picture, but his other hand is full of frosting as well! I wonder if he will have a sweet tooth like his mommy?!?! Here is the cupcake after his little fingers had been in it!


Camille, Blake, Pierce and baby Asher said...

He is getting to be such a little man and I love the clothes and shoes... so cute.

Happy 3 mos.