Friday, December 5, 2008

A busy week

This week we have been doing a lot around the Thornton house...

Dumping our food over when Mommy wasn't looking, and then playing with it (Mommy still has to master the art of keeping everything out of reach),

eating the food off our fingers,

taking a quick bath in the sink to clean up,

posing for Christmas pictures (Mommy has decided to take all of the Christmas pictures herself instead of paying for them - obviously this one is a little blurred - but very cute! Also, daddy has fixed the camera so hopefully no more blurred pictures!) More Christmas pictures are to come later!

AND...doing laundry and packing for our big trip to Florida. Zack and Mommy fly out tomorrow (Saturday) to meet Great Grandma and Grandpa Ridenour, Mommy's Aunt Marla and Uncle Joe, and cousin Megan and second cousin Sonny. Please pray for safe travel and good behavior on the plane.
We will check back with you all soon and update you on our trip!


Camille, Blake, Pierce and baby Asher said...

Have a safe trip and I love the christmas pictures... you are always so handy and crafty... I love it and where did you find that big stocking... you go girl.