Monday, January 5, 2009

The Butterfly Pavilion

On one of the very cold days in Denver, we founds some warmth (and humidity) at the butterfly pavilion. This is a really neat place close to my parent's house that we had a great time at!
Here are a bunch of butterflies that hatched that day. This was part of a butterfly release they do every day. They release the butterflies into an enclosed building, and then they fly around as you are walking through.
An owl eye butterfly. God's creation is so beautiful, isn't it?

Zack really wanted to get his hands on these butterflies!

Zack and Grandma

They also had a section where you could see other types of animals and insects.
Here Zack is petting a horseshoe crab.

And a starfish.

They also had this tarantula that you could hold. My mom was the only one brave enough to hold it out of our group. Zack would have held it!!!

He was also very interested in this colony of bees.

We went back one last time to visit the butterflies before we left.