Saturday, June 14, 2008

I must say that I am not very good at this blog thing! I have wonderful intentions, but other things seem to take priority (like changing diapers, feeding, sleeping and eating). I have added a few things to update the memories that have happened this past month.
Kris and I are so blessed to have such a wonderful addition to our family. We love Zack so much and he fills each day with more joy and love than we ever thought was possible. He is truly a little miracle after the long and difficult pregnancy that I had. God taught me so much through my pregnancy, but mostly how to be thankful. The blessings continue to come and the thankfulness is overflowing. Continue to check back to see all that I have be thankful for!


Camille, Blake, Pierce and baby Asher said...

Look at you... I just checked your blog yesterday and nothing... now there is like 100 entries... you go girl... I loved catching up and I am so glad that Crissie came to see you... I know you guys had a blast and your little man is getting to be so handsome... I love all the hair and the smile.

Keep the blogs coming.