Monday, November 10, 2008

Our Halloween Visitors

Kris' friend Shaun, his wife Kristie, and their sons Brodie and Talon came to Longview to spend the weekend with us. We had a great time with them here. Kristie and I went to get a massage on Saturday while the guys watched the boys. Thanks Shaun and Kris for that wonderful gift!
Here is Brodie watching tv with his girlfriend. (This is an Emily Elizabeth doll that I have that he carried around with him the entire weekend!)

Talon and Zack with all eyes on Brodie.

How cute! Here is Zack at 6 months, and Talon at 2 months.

Shaun and Brodie ready for Trick or Treating.


Camille, Blake, Pierce and baby Asher said...

I love your new page.... and not so sure about that red raider shirt... but he is so cute.