Monday, November 10, 2008

Trick or Treating

We decided to take Zack around in our neigborhood for a little Trick or Treating. Here he is all ready to go and show off his cute tiger outfit!

Here we are at the first house.

Zack knew exactly what to do!! He reached in that bucket and grabbed some candy. It was very cute. He did that at all the other houses as well. He is going to have a sweet tooth like his Mommy!!

We went trick or treating with some friends that had come to visit us. Brodie (almost 2 years old) could care less about the candy, he just wanted to ring the doorbells!

Here are the Dads and their tiger sons!

It was a fun night for all, and Kris and I have enjoyed the candy that Zack got for us. Thanks little Boo!