Tuesday, September 2, 2008

A few of our favorite things

Lately we have become aware of a few of Zack's favorite things (besides his mommy and daddy of course), and here we have documented a few of them. A few other updates from this week - we are still teething, but no tooth has come through yet. Zack also has a cold that we think he got from the Church nursery. Lots of sneezing, coughing and goo have filled our days around here (not to mention the slobber from teething!)
Meet Bear Blanky. Bear Blanky has become part of our family as he goes everywhere with us. Of course Zack can not yet ask for Bear Blanky, but every time we give it to him, he holds on to it and snuggles with it. He is not sleeping with it, but he especially enjoys having it in the carseat. Don't tell Zack, but we have 2 Bear Blankies just in case something happens to one of them, or one is dirty. We are catching on to this parent thing slowly but surely!!

Another favorite thing lately are the fingers. He constantly has those fingers in his mouth - not sucking, but chewing. We are just counting down the days until we get those teeth!
Here is Zack-man with his favorite man, Daddy. He loves to stand up and here Kris has him walking (well, you know - moving his feet and stepping forward). How about that bald spot on the back of his head! I promise he isn't always laying down on his back!!!

Here are a few pictures of another favorite - Zack's feet. Just this week Zack has found his feet, and he is always holding on to them or playing with them. It is so cute! He has not yet put his toes in his mouth, but I am sure that will be coming soon as well!

Here he is holding his feet and watching college football. Daddy hopes that college football will too become one of his favorite things.

Here is our little giraffe that Aunt Patty Barnhorn gave Zack. The giraffe has been named Alf. Alf can make Zack laugh more than Mommy can! Once again, Zack loves to hold on to Alf and snuggle with him (and constantly put him in his mouth!).


Camille, Blake, Pierce and baby Asher said...

Happy 4 months and I love all the favorites... Pierce still has his scout and yes we had to buy two of them especially since we were moving to Singapore and it goes everywhere with us... but he can only have it in bed... I love it when they get attached to soemthing... so cute.