Wednesday, September 24, 2008

The past week's review

Well, life is getting a little more busy with the little guy! He sure does not want to just lay there anymore as he once did. While this is very exciting, it is tiring as well. I know, I know - it will only get more tiring and busy from here!
I have been doing more things too to keep myself mentally sound. I have joined a mother's Bible study, as well as a play group that meets once a week, eats lunch, and talk about the babies (Zack is actually the oldest of the 4 - 3 boys and 1 girl - so there is not much playing going on yet!) We also went to the reading hour at the library today. I guess you can never start too young!
Here are a few updates from the past couple of weeks.

Zack has become a little eating machine! He cries when I take the spoon out of his mouth to get more food and gobbles up everything in sight! He has now eaten rice cereal, sweet potatoes, peas, bananas, carrots - and are starting pears tomorrow. So far there is nothing that the little guy does not like (even though this face may have you believe otherwise - this was one of his first bites of sweet potatoes)!
Well as we figured, he has managed to put his toes in his mouth. It is so funny, because with his cloth diapers on, he can not reach his mouth (I guess the diapers are too bulky!). I laugh every time when I change his diaper because the moment I take off his diaper, his toes go immediately to his mouth!

Of course when his toes are not available, he still has his fingers in his mouth!

Here are my men! So handsome!

Bath time is still one of his favorites! Look at the rolls on those legs!

Zack has been wanting to stand when we hold him. I was curious to see if he was able to hold himself up on the table. Sure enough he did it! I am not ready for this little guy to grow up so fast! I know he will not walk tomorrow, but everyday he amazes me by what he can do!