Monday, September 29, 2008

Friday night in East Texas

As I have lived in Texas for a while now, and East Texas for a year, I have learned just how important high school football is around here. We went to the high school football game at Winnsboro High, where Kris went to high school and played football, this past Friday night. The main reason we went was to watch our niece, Skylar, cheer during half time. The game was a lot of fun though, even though the score was 42-0 at half time. Good thing Winnsboro was winning! We left shortly after she cheered to get the little guy down for bed.

This was just a little cat nap. I don't know what all he could see on the field, but he knew something was going on because he was watching the field the entire time (except when he was napping of course!)
Zack and Daddy in sporting their red - Go Red Raiders!!!
Here is Zack with his cousin Paris. I just thought this picture was hilarious - they both look like they are having so much fun!
Football games are a family affair. I know this isn't the best picture, but you can see Kris' grandma (Nanny) sitting in the stands cheering, at the young age of 86! She brought her stadium seat and sat in the front row. She is a true Red Raider's fan!
At half-time, Skylar did her cheers and dances. All of the girls did a great job!


Camille, Blake, Pierce and baby Asher said...

HOw much fun... I am glad that you are getting to see some football... I sure do miss it never thought I would say that.