Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Music to Mommy and Daddy's ears!

We have been trying to get Zack to nap in his crib, and get on a better nap schedule. For this reason, I have been listening to a LOT of crying lately (not just crying, but screaming!!!). I have been good and not been getting him out of his crib. Eventually he has fallen asleep each time - it just takes a while!

Well, since I have been listening to so much crying, I thought I would remind myself, and share with you, the happy times in the Thornton house. I must keep telling myself that he will still love me when he gets up, and he will still smile and laugh - even though I made him take a nap in his crib. Thank you all for listening to me babble, and helping me through my therapy session for the day! LOL :)


Camille, Blake, Pierce and baby Asher said...

Stay strong and I remember those days so well... the crying and screaming does hurt (the mommy that is) but now I am so thankful bc I can just lay Pierce down and he goes to sleep himself... a true blessing after the crying.